Law Enforcement
Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Mission Statement
The Blaine County Sheriff's Office makes a difference everyday, enhancing the safety and security of all people and communities by providing the best in public safety services.
Integrity I Leadership I Authority
Meet the Sheriff
The Blaine County Sheriff's Office comprises of dedicated professionals who ensure the public safety of Blaine County. Deputies work hard to improve the quality of life for not only citizens, but wildlife of the county. We patrol county roads through the different towns and communities of the area. Becoming a Deputy is the first step toward building a career and exploring various options in which you can create the professional life you want.
BCSO Departments
The Blaine County Sheriff Department’s (BCSO) K-9 unit consists of two individual teams: Midnight and Nevo, both Belgian Malinois. Belgian Malinois are known for obedience, tracking, agility, search, rescue and police work. Officers and their K-9 partners train, work and even live together—all in an effort to keep our community safe.
The Blaine County Sheriff Department’s (BCSO) Criminal Investigation Unit is responsible for investigating major crimes such as homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, arson, robbery and burglary. As such, our detectives are highly trained to solve a wide variety of crimes.
Air Unit
The BCSO air unit consists of both fixed and rotary wing aircraft equipped with state of the art helicam technology. Roles include traffic patrol and monitoring, pursuit callouts, and assisting with missing persons and medevac support when needed.
SWAT is a team that is trained in the use of special weapons, equipment and tactics necessary to contain, control and arrest suspects or individuals under circumstances that standard patrol deputies are ill-equipped to resolve without extreme personal hazards.
The Blaine County Sheriff Department’s (BCSO) patrol unit is responsible for patrolling county buildings and roads on foot and motorized vehicles 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The goal is simple: to keep our community safe.

Lieutenant Matthews
San Andreas State Patrol

Mission Statement
The San Andreas State Patrol makes a difference every day, enhancing the safety and security of all people and communities by providing the best in public safety services.
Service with Humility
Meet the Chief
Within the San Andreas State Patrol "Service with Humility" is more than just a motto. We are made up of dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the quality of life of our citizens and prevent the unnecessary loss of life on a daily basis. San Andreas State Patrol Troopers have a desire to serve and make a difference in their communities every day. Troopers patrol the highways, state routes, and county roads and are the most visible part of the agency and provide the best in public safety services to the citizens of San Andreas. Becoming a Trooper is the first step toward building a career and exploring various options in which you can create the professional life you want.
SASP Departments
San Andreas State Patrol is a unit that is responsible for patrolling state interstates and highways on foot and motorized vehicles 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The goal is simple: to keep our community safe.
The Impaired Driving Section includes the Breath Test, Drug Evaluation and Classification, Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Ignition Interlock and Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Programs of the San Andreas State Patrol. The Impaired Driving Section also manages the Mobile Impaired Driving Unit. TZT Troopers focus on night time impaired-driving offenses. We have named this team Target Zero Teams in support of San Andreas’s strategic highway safety plan that included the goal to reduce traffic fatalities in San Andreas to zero by the year 2030. A top priority area in the overall “Target Zero” approach involved reducing impaired driving.
The Aggressive Driving Apprehension Team (ADAT) program is a proactive effort to locate people making unsafe lane changes, following too closely, going 20+ mph over the speed limit, and arrest those drivers who drive aggressively and recklessly.
Our Aviation Section provides statewide aerial enforcement, rapid response, airborne assessments of incidents, and transportation services in support of the SASP's public safety mission. The Aviation Section provides the following critical assistance measures to Troopers on the road, agency staff, and local jurisdictions: Statewide day and night aerial traffic enforcement, Traffic congestion management, Identification of locations where serious injury or fatality collisions are likely to occur, Vehicle pursuit management, Tactical advantage to ground-based troopers providing additional safety, Support for Emergency, Preparedness/Homeland Security, and All-hazards emergency service air operations
Air Unit
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Troopers are trained and certified commercial motor vehicle subject matter experts that strive to make San Andreas roadways the safest in the nation. CVE is responsible for promoting the safe travel of commercial vehicles on state highways through education and enforcement, along with enhancing safe transportation of school children and protecting the state’s infrastructure. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Troopers enforce laws and regulations pertaining to weight, size, and equipment safety, the transportation of hazardous materials, driver/vehicle licensing and permit requirements by performing Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) driver/vehicle inspections on commercial motor vehicles. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Troopers also have pivotal roles in assisting with investigations of major accidents and fatalities involving commercial vehicles.
A K9 Handler in our agency is a Trooper that partners with highly-trained police dogs. These K9s are trained to accomplish tasks that human cannot, such as sniff out bombs and drugs. Handlers have to undergo rigorous training to learn how to control, read, and trust their dogs.

Criminal Investigations Division
Mission Statement
Criminal Investigations department protects the publics trust and to maintain the integrity of law enforcement in San Andreas.
Integrity Through Action
About CID
The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) protects human life and property by enforcing state laws relating to narcotic trafficking, organized crime, intelligence, vehicle theft, gangs, computer and financial crimes, and fugitive apprehension. CID deters criminal activity by: developing intelligence, using innovative investigative and specialized enforcement strategies to disrupt and dismantle criminal organizations and investigate crimes.